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viernes, 21 de octubre de 2022

Rutina en pasado en inglés. (Example of past )

A continuación se muestra un ejemplo de pequeña reseña en inglés acerca de la rutina en pasado.

 In the morning I got up at seven o'clock, after I took a shower, brushed my teeth, combed my hair and got dressed. I went to school, played with friends and I paid attention to my classes then it ended again to home.

In the afternoon at 3:00 p.m. I did my homework. Then at 4:00 I played football, ran and enjoyed the afternoon. Later at 9:00 the night came and I had to go. I said goodbye to everyone. At 10:00 p.m i did some push ups at the same time I had 

heard pop music and finally got sleep

A continuación se muestra un ejemplo de pequeña reseña en inglés acerca de las vacaciones

 On vacations I like to go to the beach, enjoy the sunny day and see the ocean, also go to surf on the beach but something that I don't like is the sand that gets inside my ears and eyes. Another thing that I like is spending my time reading and learning new things like languages, or other kinds of things. Something that I really enjoy is the free time on vacations. I can do my favorite activities that I couldn't do before such as  reading books, yoga, go running, for a walk and exercise in the gym.

miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2022

En inglés responder a What did you do yesterday?

 A continuación se muestra un ejemplo de pequeña reseña en inglés acerca de lo que hicistes ayer

I did a lot of things, like I went running and I went swimming in the morning. In the afternoon I talked with friends and other people, on the other hand I watched movies with them and played video games and after that went to the gym for some exercise. We had a lot of fun. Coming to my house I got a shower, had dinner, and got tired ready to sleep tight.

domingo, 16 de octubre de 2022

Respuestas a preguntas de inglés

 A continuación se muestra un ejemplo de pequeña reseña en inglés acerca de el diseño en nuestras vidas

Is design important in our lives?

why? why not?

I don't mind the design aspect of things, as long as I can reach my achievements with that simple humble thing 

On the other hand, design matter because of our identities and moods are fluid and shifting and it's often the quality of the designed environment that determines whether we will feel confident or defeated, at ease or guarded.

Design in our life has great importance, it tells us much more about what we think about something. also can give us bad ideas on someone or something. It can make us think badly, and the negativeness always brings bad things.

I think that spend a lot of money on design is not necessarily something so important cause it could be something simple but intelligently well prepared in order to get our principals points to get achieve depending on our taste, style and fashion. I have seen a lot of people who like fancy things pricey with the goal to get attention, find friends, be popular but this is not my case

Some important aspects about design are when it has to be seen with manual functions, or for disabled people. we could say it has great importance because the design can be related to the purpose of whatever thing with the person.

A continuación se muestra un ejemplo de pequeña reseña en inglés acerca de los hobbies.

What are your hobbies?

Well, one of the most interesting things I like to do are: go to the gym, you can do a little bit of exercise  and get relaxed. It helps you stay healthy.

Also I like to read different kinds of books such as books about languages, programming, scientific books, and any other books.

Sometimes in the mornings I go hiking, go to run or cycling to enjoy the day. Also I like painting and surfing the internet, listening to music and watching videos of anything.

sábado, 15 de octubre de 2022

Ejemplos en java echos en aplicación de celular

Los ejemplos de. a continuación están échos en java   en celular y corridos ahí mismo en una aplicación de la play store

 Este es el de hoy

using System;

using System.IO;

using System.Linq;

using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace CondicionTres


public class Program 


        public static void Main()


int x, y;

    Console.WriteLine("ingrese primer mumero");

           x= Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());


           Console.WriteLine("ingrese el wegumdo mum3ro");



           if ((x>0)&&(y<0)){

           Console.WriteLine("El primer valor valor es oositivo y sehgundo negativo");



           else if((x>0)&&(y==0)){

            Console.WriteLine("El primer valor valor es oositivo y el dsegunfo cero");



           else if((x<0)&&(y>0)){

            Console.WriteLine("El primer valor  es negativo y el dsegunfo positivo");



           else if((x<0)&&(y==0)){

            Console.WriteLine("El primer valor es negativo y el dsegunfo cero");



           Console.WriteLine("Los dos valores son iguales");


           Console.Write("presione enter para salir");







[2/12 8:31 p. m.] ៩ᖱ⩏♬🙂: Ejemplo condición 1

using System;

using System.IO;

using System.Linq;

using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace CondicionIf


    public class Program 


        public static void Main()

        int x;

        int y;

        Console.WriteLine("Ingrese el ñrimer numero");



        Console.WriteLine("Ingrese el ñrimer numero");



       Console.WriteLine("El prmer es positivo");







🙂: Este es el del sueldo empleado:

using System;

using System.IO;

using System.Linq;

using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace CalculaSueldo


    public class Program 


        public static void Main()


int ht; 

double sh,S;

Console.WriteLine("Ingresa horas laboradas");



        Console.WriteLine("Ingresa sueldo");




Console.WriteLine("El sueldo a pagar es: "+S.ToString());




🙂: Este suma dos números:

using System;

using System.IO;

using System.Linq;

using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace SumaNumeros


    public class Program 


        public static void Main()


int x, y, suma;

    Console.WriteLine("ingrese primer mumero");

           x= Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());


           Console.WriteLine("ingrese el wegumdo mum3ro");



  suma =x+y;

  Console.WriteLine("la suma es "+ (suma));




------ ola mundo---

using System;

using System.IO;

using System.Linq;

using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace CSharp_Shell


    public static class Program 


    // public static void Main() 


           Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!");





Ejemplo de used to & get used to

    A continuación se muestra un ejemplo de pequeña reseña en inglés acerca de uso de get use.

Considering how life used to be before respect to now, it has changed a lot in a short period of time, in various aspects such as politically, technologically, fashion.

 How did life use to be? Before life used to be more relaxing, less stressful, it had its pros and cons but it was good for more mental health, values, seriousness. 

An excellent example of this explanation is the technological area. People weren't used to wasting time in phones like nowadays, most people waste a bunch of time in social media, making videos, sharing post and even is a part of their ritual in the whole day, if they not do that, they might feel anxiety, also social media make people get stressful and depressed and a long time ago when cellphones did not exist people were freer, they could think without criticism, they were more close-minded. 

One important thing has changed ultimately, it is moral. At this period of time values are deteriorated. Before, people used to have personal dates, interviews, and classes. Now old people tend to get used to it rapidly. On dates, men were used to paying and giving gifts to women and now a woman can also do the same, besides they also work are treated like men.

In our day to day, people are used to technology they use it in everything; At school, home, learning and relaxing.

Computers have gained great importance, we use it to make our homework, to teach with slides, learn a language, watching videos, practicing with videos, investigate on the internet and for entertaining; listen to music online, watching movies, also there is certain sort of apps that can help people reach their goal in specified interest of their lives, from my point of view technology is essential for a comfortable life of laziness and help us make things efficiently with less use of time from anywhere, all this make me think all the good things that they didn't have and couldn't enjoy. 

A lot of people include technology in their life like it were a part of themselves making it a personal ritual in a complete day. For example, in the morning people could use their phone to see their activities of the day, also check the climate, the hour, meetings or like at night when people usually check their social media, their mail of work, as a part of the ritual of the day,, including their time of relaxing.

I remember when I was a child nobody used to have computers or cellphones but the time past and I began getting used to it when the past of time. I remember they used to use CDs, radios, black and white television. Also, I used to enjoy nature and relaxing outside, playing child's games such as hide and seek. How my parents and other members of my family like uncles, aunt, etc. getting used to using this kind of devices was easy now they can use Facebook and WhatsApp.


These times are more interesting than before, because of the variety of high tech devices, also by the increment of knowledge in medicine, etc. Only a few old people can get into this modern era, and for others, it can be difficult to get it. It would be more difficult for someone of this era to get used to ancient things or another era. Trying to getting used to new changes always is hard, but when it is for better things, it is a motivator. 

viernes, 14 de octubre de 2022

Talking about WATER ISSUES in english

       A continuación se muestra un ejemplo de pequeña reseña en inglés acerca de la contaminación del agua

Water has always existed since primitive era ever even much more time ago and it has never left of exist.

 several problems about water over the world ultimately have appeared. 

for example, in poor countries like in Africa, there isn't a lot of water for the citizen the same way for food.  

for not go far in my town sometimes the tap water system fails a lot,

in the day-to-day, I have come to see it in my house.

Near my town, there are two poor towns called Necoxtla and Palo Verde in there some houses don't have potable water systems also they have other problems with water like floods.

In times of rain, it comes within their humble houses. besides, it can make hill get down over houses and roads.

Well, tap water in my country is not good enough to drink, it's better-bottled water and purified water. In some cases we get a little bit dirty water at our houses, in Periods of rain, it's more common.

I think that water never is going to disappear but many people think it's going to disappear in nearby future, in fact, it's more probable that the world gets covered by saltwater.

Another point is the access to safe water that contributes to improve health and helps prevent the spread of infection disease 

Another point is the water scarcity the pollution over oceans, rivers, and lakes.

I agree with people who said that water should be free and we shouldn't pay for a bit of it.

I can't believe that industries are making business with it, selling it at a high price.

People think that lack of water is closely related to poverty.

One trigger of drier areas is climate change this is another example of water issues including droughts and waste of water at home by mindless people.


The flood of water is  unpredictable, we don't know if one day it could finish, but something that clearly I  know is that the little water that we need to live is sweet, not salty. It's represented like a sort of one percent over the world. In the end humanity could die to cause of a virus or meteor.  

jueves, 13 de octubre de 2022

Hablar sobre la rutina en inglés (routine's day)

A continuación se muestra un ejemplo de pequeña reseña en inglés acerca de la rutina. At 6:00 a.m I get up from bed after that at 6:20 a.m I eat and have a shower and brush my teeth, get dress and ready for going to school. 

At 7:00 a.m.  it's time for classes. And I leave at 1:00 p.m. I return to that hour and I take off my school  clothes.

After that I do my homework

And more or less at 5:00 p.m I go to do some work out to the gym from time to time if I don't have pain in my muscles.

At 7 I do whatever things I fancy to do like play video games, read books, watch movies. Etc.

At last at 9 or 10 p.m I get dinner and after a little time I go to bed .

Ejemplo de personal información en inglés (personal information) present time

A continuación se muestra un ejemplo de pequeña reseña en inglés acerca de la información personal muchas veces no sabemos que preguntar abajo se muestra el ejemplo

My name is Panchito, I am single and I from Mexico, I live in a town called Necoxtla. My mother is Marta, she is 35 years old and my father is Marta he is 37 years old. Also I have one sister and brother, they are teenagers, well. I am studying industrial engineering, and learning english so I need to do my best.

Lo anterior responde a una de las preguntas difíciles cuando se aprende inglés de dar personal información muchas personas no saben que decir y está es una manera de responder.

A continuación se muestra un ejemplo de pequeña reseña en inglés acerca del futuro.

What I will do tomorrow will be to go to a party. I won't go to school. I hope it will be a greatful party and we are gonna see bunches of people we hadn't  seen for a long time.

After the party I will get a shower in order to go to the gym to get some exercise, I hope to meet new friends. 

Then I'll go to my uncle's house to play video games with my cousin, we will get some drinks and have fun. Afterwards, I'll  go for a walk at the park while I'll listen to music. Just at night I'll be going to my house.

miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2022

En java sacar el promedio de la calificación de 10 materias en java.

 Public class promedio {

Public static void main (string [] args){

Scanner leer=new Scanner (Sistem.in);

Float calificación, suma, promedio;

Int contador;

for(contador=1; contador<=10; contador++){

System.out.println("Dar la calificación"+contador+";");

calificación= leer.next.Float();

suma=suma + calificación;



System.out.println("El promedio de 10 calificaciónes es :"+promedio);

Les vacances

  En vacances, j'aime aller à la plage, profiter de la journée ensoleillée et voir l'océan, aller aussi surfer sur la plage mais que...